Head and neck

Beijing Union Eye and Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital was approved by CFDA on July 17, 2018 as a drug clinical trial institution (hereinafter referred to as the “institution”), and has obtained clinical trial qualifications including: ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology.

Department Introduction

The hospital is designed in accordance with international JCI standards and provides special medical services such as ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgery, ophthalmology, stomatology, and plastic surgery. The hospital has a construction area of more than 12,000 square meters, 65 beds, and is equipped with advanced medical equipment, rigorous medical procedures and a systematic medical management system.

The hospital is mainly based on clinical technical experts with doctoral tutor qualifications, and is engaged in specialized medical services and technical consulting services. The hospital is positioned as a “college-type hospital”, which is an innovative combination of social capital and public education. Relying on the strong high-quality capital and modern management concepts of HNA Group, it simultaneously combines the advanced medical technology and scientific research and education experience of Capital Medical University; innovative applications Scientific research promotes the development of clinical medicine.

Beijing Union Otolaryngology Hospital takes preventive medicine as the starting point, health management as the foundation, and functional rehabilitation as the principle, and comprehensively carries out the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat and head and neck diseases. The professional medical team has extensive clinical experience. The Department of Otolaryngology focuses on the clinical diagnosis, treatment and research of common, frequently-occurring and difficult diseases, focuses on the introduction, digestion, innovation and development of advanced technologies to promote the progress of the discipline, closely follows the hot issues of the discipline, and develops basic and clinical applications with advanced domestic level. Research. Carrying out modified velopharyngoplasty with uvula preservation, significantly improving the surgical effect of sleep apnea syndrome, and greatly improving the quality of life of patients; carrying out carbon dioxide laser treatment for early laryngeal cancer and precancerous lesions, reflecting the people-oriented treatment concept ; Carry out nasal endoscopic surgery for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps; the simultaneous operation of auricle reconstruction and hearing reconstruction for external and middle ear deformities, and the radical cure of chronic suppurative otitis media with simultaneous hearing reconstruction. More scientific research forces will conduct in-depth research on the pathogenesis of sensorineural hearing loss, carry out cochlear implant surgery, conduct systematic audiology evaluation and hearing rehabilitation treatment.

The Department of Otology has advanced surgical microscopes and ear microscopic instruments, and carries out tympanoplasty, hearing reconstruction, correction of external and middle ear deformities, etc.; multi-conductor cochlear implantation for severe hearing defects; In the treatment of ear deformities, especially on the basis of ear canal and tympanic formation and improvement of hearing, auricular reconstruction is carried out at the same time and synchronously, so as to relieve the physiological defects of auricle deformity and deafness.

Nasal endoscopic surgical technology is one of the advantages and characteristics of rhinology, which has complete endoscopic surgical equipment. At present, rhinology’s distinctive and domestic advanced technical projects include endoscopic adenoidectomy, diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant nasopharyngeal lesions, orbital decompression, optic canal decompression, and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis; To carry out the diagnosis, treatment and research of nose-eye-related diseases and nose-eye-maxillofacial diseases.

The Department of Laryngology has domestic advanced high-resolution microscopes, CO2 laser machines and other equipment, especially the national first-class sleep breathing research center, which has the most advanced monitoring and treatment equipment, and provides high-quality services for patients with sleep-disordered breathing. The comprehensive treatment system based on surgical treatment has a relatively complete system of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, and is unique in the diagnosis and treatment of benign laryngeal diseases. In the treatment of vocal cord nodules, vocal cord polyps, vocal cord cysts, papilloma, lipoma, fibroma, small hemangioma, etc., the application of CO2 laser therapy under the microscope has a good effect; in-depth research on precancerous changes in the larynx In the process of disease development, complete surgical removal of the disease, combined with immunotherapy, etc., can block the development process of the disease, achieve the purpose of cure, and reduce the incidence of cancer; in the laryngeal microscopic In terms of surgical operation, CO2 laser has been used to treat laryngeal stenosis and vocal cord paralysis, and valuable experience has been obtained; preoperative and postoperative voice spectrum analysis for laryngeal diseases has a significant guiding role in clinical work; The modified UPPP procedure with preservation of the uvula improves the therapeutic effect.

The field of head and neck surgery is benign and malignant tumors below the skull base and above the clavicle. It has a high level of diagnostic technology and treatment, especially in the function-preserving surgery for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer, and supports the CO2 laser treatment of early laryngeal cancer and laryngeal part under laryngoscope. It has significant advantages in difficult extubation after resection, salvage therapy for advanced or recurrent tumors, and tumor biological therapy.